ARTS is Government of India approved Agricultural Commodities Trader cum broker associated and affiliated with major trade bodies well as ARTS is
member of Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO), Agriculture and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA),
Spices Board India, The Solvent Extractors Association of India (SEAINDIA).
We ensure smooth supply of quality agro products as well as we also ensure that both our buyers and suppliers are time tested, authentic and capable in
terms of their commercial capacity as well as financial and economic standing in the market.
As a matter of principle we ensure to deal with only those buyers an suppliers who have been operating in the target markets over a period of time and do
not experiment with fresh suppliers or buyers to ensure not only quality products from supplier’s side but also to ensure timely payment from the buyer’s
About Us
ARTS is part of Aveli Group of Companies which has presence in Assessments, Skill Training, Engineering solutions, etc.,
Aveli Retail is a leading International Trading Company advising buyers and suppliers in the business of Railways, Agri products, Furniture products,
H&M, Food processing and Electrification equipments Trading. ARTS plays a strategic role of international commodities broker, agent and intermediary in
the trading value chain including origination, procurement, processing, branding, supply, storage, merchandising and distribution, thereby reaping
operational synergies and cost efficiencies transferring final benefit to end user. We are one of the largest broker and dealmakers to traders, buyers
and suppliers.
- Piezometer & Piezometer Telemetry
- PH Meter
- Multi parameter Water Testing
- Muffle Furnace
- BOD Incubators
- Magnetic Stirrer with Hot Plate
- Flow Meter & Turbidity Meter
- Conductivity, TDS Meter
- Centrifuge
- Refractometer
Electrification and Electronics
- 11kv vcb & panels
- Current Transformers
- OHE fittings on Railways
- HT & LT cables
- Digital Prepaid Energy Meters
- 25 kva,10kva Auxiliary Transformers in Railways
- LT & HT Induction Motors
- SP-DP Isolators in Railways
Scientific and medical products
- Thermometer
- First aid Kits
- Hospital Equipments
- Sphygmomanometers
- Chemical Lab Instruments
Signalling and Telecom
- Earthing Materials
- All types of pipes- GI, RCC
- Battery chargers
- Batteries / Battery Banks
- Signal Transformers
- Telecom Equipments
- Computer Hardwares
- Audio Systems
- Automatic Weather Station
- Leaf Wetness Sensor
- Rain Gauge Sensor
- Soil Moisture Sensor
- Automatic Pressure Sensor
- Wind Speed in Winter Directions Sensor
- Air Temperature Sensor
- Data logger
- Solar Sensor